Please reach us at or 931- 330-0557 if you cannot find an answer to your question or have other questions.
Bridgeway Counseling currently offers telehealth only appointments throughout Tennessee striving to always provide the highest quality care.
The therapist at Bridgeway Counseling is a licensed professional counselor, licensed in the state of Tennessee, with advanced degrees in counseling with extensive training and experience working with individuals, couples, and families.
Bridgeway offers a variety of counseling services: trauma, anxiety, depression, major life transitions, work-life balance issues, substance use, and couples counseling.
Bridgeway Counseling is currently accepting the following insurance:
Bridgeway Counseling also accepts self pay only at this time. Refer to the fees tab at the top of the webpage to find a breakdown in prices per session. Bridgeway Counseling is undergoing the necessary documentation to be able to offer greater insurance coverage for clients.
Bridgeway Counseling provides counseling services for adults of all age groups.
To set up an initial appointment visit the scheduling tab at the top of the webpage. From there fill out the questionnaire, and your counselor will contact you within 24-48 hours to schedule your first session.
The length of time it takes to see results from counseling sessions with Bridgeway Counseling varies depending on the individual and the issues being addressed. Some clients may see improvements after just a few sessions, while others may require more long-term therapy.
Bridgeway Counseling
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